33: The Sex Material

Sexuality within A Course in Miracles

In the Complete and Annotated Edition of A Course in Miracles, there are some challenging teachings on sexuality. Students have been grappling with these teachings ever since they first came to light approximately twenty years ago. It’s easy to see these teachings as merely negative (Don’t have sex unless….) when, in fact, they are actually pointing us to another way of being in the world, one where we engage in “miracle-inspired relating.”

Watch Robert Perry and Emily Bennington’s fascinating discussion of the Course’s teachings on sex, which was originally broadcast live via Facebook. (Find out details of their next live broadcast by following the Circle of Atonement’s Facebook page – www.facebook.com/circleofatonement).

If you’d like to read the materials referenced in this discussion, they can be found in the Complete and Annotated Edition of ACIM, under Miracle Principles 18, 43, 46, 48, and Cameo 11.  The book is available via Amazon (affiliate): https://amzn.to/3fQyRvW.



Since 1993, our purpose has been to help with both the theory and practical application of A Course in Miracles. We are the publisher of the Complete and Annotated Edition of the Course (known as the “CE”), which is available as a paperback*, ebook*, and via Audible.

Our work grows out of our commitment to be as faithful as possible to what A Course in Miracles says,  years of dedication to walking this path ourselves, and a desire to see the Course’s purpose realized in the lives of students and in the world.

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